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3 Jobs you can do in any Location

Now, more than ever, people are looking to work and travel the world without having to compensate on one or the other.

As long as you have an internet connection, the working world in your oyster, with the potential to freelance, be a blogger or even consult. If you’re looking to expand your horizons and see the world, here are the 3best jobs for you to take on the road with you.


Freelancing is where you offer your skills as a service and charge a fee. If you are wondering what services to offeras a freelancer, think about what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. For example, you might offer proofreading, copywriting or website development. To begin with, it is a good idea to source work from freelancing websites, such as Upwork and, and as your good reputation grows, you will find that you’ll get repeat clients. If you have your ownwebsite describing your services, you will seeclients approach you.

The joy of freelancing is that you have control over what you do and when, and all you need in an internet connection and a method of being paid, such as a PayPal account.


Imagine being able to write about what you like, document your travels, or have a loyal audience that waits for your next post. All that is possible if you become a blogger,with the very best bloggers can earn a living by doing so. To get started, you need to choose a domain name for your blog and use a platform such as WordPress or Blogger to begin publishing your posts. It takes time and effort to create a great blog, but post quality content consistently, andyou’ll get there.

Earning from blogging takes different forms, such as selling advertising space, investing in affiliate programs, selling products (becoming an e-commerce store) or being sponsored by a certainbrand.

Online Consultant

With the right expertise, you could alwaysbecome a consultant. For example, you might be knowledgeable in business, marketing or education, and you can advise both businessesand individual people on the best course of action depending on their goals. Having your ownwebsite is a way to bring in clients, plus discussions and meetings can take place online. Businesses are willing to pay good money foran expert to give their opinion and advice, and thanks to the internet, you can work from anywhere.

Many people who work doing the daily 9-5 oftendream of a better lifestyle, and while working as a freelancer does not always guaranteework and running a blog can be a full-time and tedious job, it can be a greatmeans of income if you persevere. Learn how to market yourself, how to build an online portfolio, and liaisewith clients and companies who you trust. Before you know it, you’ll be sat on the beach in Australia or on a train from Kyoto to Osaka, funded by your website or your consultancy.