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ANA Is First Japanese Airline to Join IATA’s 25by2025

The airline says the campaign’s efforts to promote diversity and inclusion align with ANA’s goals and core values

All Nippon Airways (ANA), Japan’s largest airline, has signed on for the 25by2025 campaign organized by the International Air Transport Association.

25by2025 is an IATA-led industry effort that aims to shift key diversity and inclusion metrics across aviation by engaging member airlines. Participants commit to increasing the representation of female employees in senior positions and under-represented areas both within their airlines and within the pool from which IATA governance roles are appointed.

The current guidelines call for airlines to report annually on key diversity metrics, to increase female nominations for IATA governance roles to a minimum of 25 percent by 2025, and have the airline and IATA work together to reach a minimum of 25 percent of the roles to be held by women by 2025.

“The 25by2025 campaign celebrates diversity and inclusion, aligning with ANA’s core values,” said Hitomi Yamamoto, executive vice president of ANA. “We will continue working to advance diversity within our organization as it makes the entire company stronger. This campaign is an excellent example of the airline industry coming together for social good and we are honored to be able to take part.”

ANA has a history of working to advance diversity and inclusion within its organization, with Japan Women’s Innovation Network (J-Win) recognizing its efforts in 2018 and 2019.

ANA is a member of the 30% Club Japan, an elite international group of companies that promote the role of women in the workplace. In addition to helping women rise to senior leadership positions, ANA has instituted networking programs that are designed to help women advance within the organization and has also opened up management level positions for employees working part-time.

Achieving gender equality and empowerment of all women is one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and ANA has long worked to advance the SDGs. ANA is committed to empowering every employee to reach their full potential and will continue seeking out opportunities to improve career prospects for women within its organization.